Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Equipment Prep

Today we finalized the gear we are bringing, and we consolidated everything into as few cases as possible (8) - each under 50 lbs for travel.  Our travel arrangements are mostly set, and our itinerary is pretty much locked.  Although we originally planned to bring all our equipment with us, due to weight and luggage restrictions, we have decided to rent our grip and lighting gear in each country.  So now we are trying to finalize those plans.  Travel around the holidays is always a challenge, but international travel with camera equipment this time of the year is particularly restrictive.

Still, our journey will bring us to some amazing locations and I am looking forward to shooting all of them.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Getting Ready

I leave one week from today, and there remains a lot to do.  Still trying to figure out the best way to pack light and yet bring appropriate clothes for locations that range from near the arctic circle to near the equator.  Our first stop is Sweeden, then onto Turkey, then Egypt and finally Singapore before returning home to Los Angeles.  We should have all our equipment squared away by Tuesday.  Then a few days to enjoy the holiday and to get some rest before taking off.